Manually transfer routes and activities in either direction between your Ride with GPS account and your Garmin device over USB. Activity data recorded on your Garmin unit can easily be uploaded to your Ride with GPS account by using the Upload page.
Download the Ride with GPS mobile app
Load RWGPS Routes on your Garmin
- Click the More button, then select Export as File, select the file format you would like to download, and Download your file.
- Connect your Garmin device to your computer via USB cable.
- Once your Garmin device is recognized, drag and drop your exported GPS file(s) into your Garmin's New Files folder.
- Selected routes will display under the Courses menu on your Garmin device.
Upload Activities to RWGPS from Garmin Devices
- Connect your Garmin device to your computer via USB cable.
- Once Garmin device is recognized, select Jump To > Upload at the top of the Ride with GPS website.
- Click on the Browse Files button.
- Browse to the following path on the Garmin drive or volume: Garmin (volume or drive model number) > Garmin > Activities.
- Select the file(s) to upload and click Open.
- Select Add to My Activities under Upload an Activity.
- Remain on the Upload page until your files finish processing.
* Note: if you have saved the track on the device, it can be found under the Archive folder. If you have just finished the activity but have not saved the track, select the file that starts with Current.
Which GPS file format should I export for my Garmin?
- To learn more about exporting routes from Ride with GPS and which file format is appropriate for which devices and usage, visit our Export File Formats help page.
I connected my Garmin to my computer with a USB cord, why isn't my Garmin device recognized?
- Some Edge Computers are no longer recognized by Mac computers. For more information about which devices are affected and how you can transfer files with these devices, visit Garmin's help page.
- Try a different USB cable. Some USB cables will only charge your device, and other USB cables allow for both charging and data transfer.
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