Mobile Elevation Profile

  • Updated

A route or ride's elevation profile is a visual representation of the amount of climbing and descent involved. You can trace along any route or ride's elevation profile in the mobile app, to find the elevation for any particular spot along the elevation profile, the distance to that spot, and how your other recorded metrics apply to that spot when available.


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Basic and Premium subscribers can use the elevation profile of a route during navigation to view the Estimated Time between their current location and any given point along the way. This is a great way to get an idea of when you'll reach your next refill/refuel opportunity or scenic spot! 


Scan the Elevation Profile

To find an elevation profile in the mobile app, open a ride or route and swipe up to expand the summary page. You'll see the elevation profile towards the bottom of this screen. Tap on the graph or the word Elevation to explore elevation data at specific points along your route or ride. 

Note: the elevation profile can also be accessed in the navigation screen. Tap Elevation while navigating a route, then tap the triangle icon in the upper right corner of the elevation profile to interact with it. 




Tap anywhere on the elevation profile to place a cursor. Tap and drag this to view elevation data in relation to the route map. You'll see a blue dot trace along your gps line to indicate what point along the route or ride you are viewing data for. 


More tips and tricks:

  • Use two fingers to stretch the elevation profile to zoom into a specific section of it. Then use one finger on the graph itself to pan left and right.
  • Pinch the elevation graph to zoom back out. Stretching and pinching the elevation graph does not zoom in on the map, it is a separate interaction.


Tap the filter icon to drill down on additional metrics and chart options. Within a ride recording, you can choose between distance or time, and select other metrics to visualize, like speed, cadence, or HR (if you ride with a heart rate monitor). Chart options include Speed, Elevation, and Grade. 

On routes you have the option to toggle your elevation profile between elevation and grade. Routes do not contain trip data, so additional metrics are not available. 



Grade % and Surface Types

As you place the cursor on the elevation profile, you'll see the calculated grade for that spot as well as the surface type. Check out Surface Types for more information.



Estimated Time

Estimated time is unlocked with a Premium or Basic subscription. As you navigate a route, you can scrub through the elevation profile to see your estimated time to any point along the route, which is great for understanding how much more climbing you're in for, or to figure out the ETA to your next rest stop. When viewed here, your estimated time is adjusted on the fly according to your riding performance over the course of your current trip. Learn more about Estimated Time.
Note: you'll only be able to see estimated time when interacting with the Elevation profile while in the navigation screen. 
