Part 5: Events Calendar and Messages

  • Updated

Keep in touch with participants, staff, and other various groups of folks who are involved with your event. 

Message Event Participants

Event staff who are members of the Event account can send emails to event participants to inform them about any news pertaining to the event.

To send a message to participants, open the event page and click Manage Participants to the left of the event route map.
This will bring up a table with a list of that event's participants. Click the checkbox adjacent to a name to send a message to your desired event participants.
Type your message to participants, and click Send. All participants who are RSVPed to the event from which the message was sent will receive your message via email.

Direct Message Staff and Volunteers

Members of the Event account page can send direct messages and emails to Event staff and volunteers who are members of the account page using the member list.
You will see an envelope icon in the row for every member listed.
You can also click the checkbox adjacent to member's names to send a group of people a message.
To send a message to a specific person, click the envelope that appears next to their name in the member list. Write your message as normal and click Send.
The recipient will receive both a message notification in the upper right corner of the Ride with GPS website and an email, sent to the email address associated with their Ride with GPS account. Both will direct them to their Ride with GPS messages page, where they can view the message and reply.

Message Member Groups

Member managers can message specific members or groups of members from the member table.

Select the members you would like to message (or message groups by assigning tags) and click Send Message.


Your message will send to all the members that we have an email for. (Note, if you are using the message feature, it is a good idea to require members to enter name and email when they join the account to ensure there is a valid email address on file)

Next Up: Part 6: Event Leaderboards