Add POI During a Ride

  • Updated

Drop POI

First, be sure to enable your POI map overlay! Look under the map layer icon to find this option.




  1. Tap Tools in the lower right corner of your screen.
  2. Choose Add POI.
  3. Tap the POI Type field to change your POI type, which will change the icon on your POI marker. You can reference the POI types legend in our dedicated POI help page
  4. Enter a Name for your POI and then Notes, if desired.
  5. Tap Done/Save once you've finished, and the POI will appear on your route in your current location. 


Edit your Added POI

You can move and edit some details of your recently added POI while still recording your ride.

Tap a POI marker to edit, move, or delete it.

  • Edit allows you to change the POI type, name, and description of the POI.
  • Delete/Remove will permanently delete the POI that you dropped. Note: this cannot be undone!
  • Move > then tap anywhere on the map or along the ride to move the POI icon > tap OK to confirm the new location. Note: on Android devices, the icon will move without a confirmation prompt.

POI on your Saved Rides

Any POI that you’ve added to a recorded ride will show up on your final ride recording in the website and on the app. This is great for scouting out locations and taking notes along a route. Note: POI that you add to a ride will not automatically update on the corresponding route. 


  • I deleted a POI while riding, how can I get it back?
    • POIs that have been deleted during a ride cannot be recovered.
  • I can’t edit or delete a POI that is on my route. Why not?
    • POI that were part of a route that you are navigating cannot be changed while riding. They can only be edited using the mobile or web Route Planners. Learn more about editing POI.
  • Can I add a photo to a POI?
    • Photos have separate location data that is recorded automatically when taken in or out of the app and cannot be associated with a POI that is dropped. However, photos can be added to a route POI on our website.