Your Account
Account and Membership
Account Settings
Customize your Ride with GPS experience, including defaults settings, profile details, privacy levels, your subscription...
Community Guidelines
Your Data, Our Community We believe that you own your ride and route data. It’s your right to add, delete, import, expor...
Manage your Account
At Ride with GPS, we believe that your account data should be fully manageable by you. Read on to learn how to delete yo...
Manage your Subscription
A free Starter Ride with GPS account lets you access simple tools for planning trips and recording rides. A Basic upgrad...
Set up Health Info
Enter some basic health info in your Ride with GPS profile to estimate calories and power expended on a ride. _________...
Privacy Settings
Customize your privacy options to share as much (or as little) as you want with the rest of the Ride with GPS community....
Privacy Zones
Leverage Privacy Zones to hide sensitive locations in your rides like your home, school, or workplace. _____...
Settings, Features, and More
Estimated Time
The Estimated Time feature gives you personalized information based on your historic ride data. See your estimated movin...
Feed, Friends, and Followers
When you join Ride with GPS, you become part of a global network of cyclists. If you choose to, you can share your ac...
Home Location
Set a home location as your default route planning start point. This will also allow you to easily find local routes se...
Connected Services
Connected Services: Garmin Connect, Strava, Relive, Wahoo, Hammerhead, and Coros
Connect Ride with GPS to Garmin Connect, Strava, Hammerhead, and Relive to share rides and routes with your GPS device,...
Epic Ride Weather App
Epic Ride Weather is an app for iPhone and Android that allows riders to generate weather forecasts tailored to their sp...
Become an Area Ambassador
Route Publication Requirements
Excited to get your route out there for others to enjoy? Read on to learn more about how to create high quality Area Amb...
Build Your Ambassador Profile
Before you start publishing Ambassador routes, you'll need to make sure people know who you are! Read on to learn more a...
Create Quality Routes
In order to create a high quality Ambassador route, you'll need to know the ins and outs of your route. Read on for some...
Design Your Postcard
Your route postcard is a collection of photos that provides a visual summary of your Ambassador route. Take some time t...
Write a Great Description
An organized, well thought out description is a key component of the Ambassador route. Luckily, we provide the tools to ...
Link Route References
Use your route description to let readers know what to expect on your route. Inform them about services, hazards, and po...