The Ride Center allows you to filter, sort, and visualize your activities by date, name, tags, gear, distance, elevation, and average speed. You can also use Ride Center to easily bulk assign gear or tags to your activities or make your trips public or private.
Premium users can access the Ride Center at under the Analyze menu in your web Dashboard.
Explore the Ride Center
Access the Ride Center under the Analyze menu on our website.

You will see a list view of all the activities for the year. Click the check boxes next to activities to select multiple at once for bulk editing. Click options such as Assign Activity Type, Assign Gear, Make Private, Make Public, Make Friends Only, Add Tags, Remove Tags, or Delete to apply to all selected rides.

- Assign Activity Type: Assign the trip an activity type such as Road Cycling, Running, or Swimming.
- Assign Gear: Assign a bicycle or other piece of gear to the ride. Check out this page about Adding Gear.
- Make Public: Public activities are shared with everyone who can access the site.
- Make Private: Only you can see these activities. Others can see them only if you share it with them.
- Make Friends Only:
- Add Tags - Tags allow you to sort by keywords such as "touring", "race", or "training".
- Remove Tags - Allows you to choose which tags are removed from the selected trips.
- Delete - This allows you to delete multiple activities at once. This deletes the rides fully from your account, so use this feature with care.
Switch from a list view to a calendar view by clicking Show Calendar on the left.
The calendar view shows all your rides for the month. Click on a specific day to manually add a ride or to enter your weight for the day.

Advanced Filters
- Name Field: Search for the name of a specific activity or keyword.
- Tags: These are defined by you. You can add tags to trips within the Ride Center, then your added tags will appear in this section for filtering.
- Activity Type: Show only trips associated with the activity type that is checked.
- Gear: Show only activities associated with the gear that is checked.
- Distance - Use the slider to filter by minimum and/or maximum distance.
- Elevation Gain - Use the slider to filter by minimum and/or maximum elevation gain.
- Avg Speed - Use the slider to filter by minimum and/or maximum average speed.

View graphs or charts for the week, month, or year to display distance, speed, or elevation gain for the selected time periods.

You can also see the total distance and elevation gain filtered by selected criteria at the bottom of the screen. For example, you can see the total distance you’ve ridden on your mountain bike by selecting your mountain bike on the left-hand side. You can also select dates or tags, or select ranges of distance and/or elevation. The ride log will update the list to show only rides matching your selections, and the total distance and elevation logged on those rides will automatically update.