Create an Event Page
- Sign in to your Event account.
- Scroll down to the route library and select all the routes you want for your event.
- Click Create Event

- Select Event With Routes
- Give the event a name.
- Confirm the start date, and fill in an end date if this is a multi-day event.
- Uncheck the all day option to give the event a specific start time.
- Select who can see your event:
- Anyone, it’s public: anyone and everyone can RSVP to this event.
- Event account members: if you want only those that are invited to be able to RSVP.
- Route managers – Only Event account route managers will be able to view and RSVP to this event. Use this setting during the planning phase of your event so that nobody else can see the event page until it’s ready to go public.
- Click Save to create the event page and see more options.

- Click Edit Event Details to to adjust more settings for your event.
- Write a short description of your event. If you paste in a URL to another web page we’ll hotlink it for you automatically.
- Write a short description of your event. If you paste in a URL to another web page we’ll hotlink it for you automatically.
- Optional: Set the Location. Fill in this field with a landmark, location name, or city that means something to your participants.
- Optional: Checkbox for Automatically remove participants. This option clears your participant list after a certain amount of time has passed. You’ll only want to use this option if you plan on re-using the event page for a recurring event.
- Optional: Checkbox for the overall segment leaderboard. Learn more about this option in Event Leaderboards.
- Click Save when you are finished.
- After saving your event details, don’t forget to add a graphic to your event page by clicking +Add Logo.

Add Organizers to an Event
- Create or view an event from your club's account and click Edit Event Details.
- Type the first 3 characters of the member you'd like to add as an organizer, select their name from the list, and click enter. You can add as many organizers as you'd like.
- Once you save the event details, the organizers will be listed for anyone viewing the event.
Back up Your Event
- Sign in as the Event account
- Go to the event page that you wish to back up.
- Click Backup
- Click OK to the backup confirmation prompt.

- You’ll find your event backup by clicking Home (while still signed into the Event account)
- Click Backups
- You’ll be taken to the Event Backups page where you can find all Event backup files available for download. Learn more about Backups.

Reuse or Retain Event Pages
Once an event is finished, you have several options for that event page:
- Leave the event page as is and let the leaderboards stand indefinitely.
- Copy the event so that the original is left online but the copy can be given a new date.
- Clear the participant list and reuse the event page for a different date.
Leave the event page as is
To leave your event page as is, no further action is required on your part. If you have set up leaderboards, send the event link to all the participants to encourage them to check out the leaderboards for the event.
Copy the event
- Sign in as the Event Account.
- Go to the event page to be copied.
- Click Copy Event.

- Fill in the new event name if it will be different. i.e: Change “Gran Fondo 2017” to “Gran Fondo 2018”.
- Change the starting/ending date for the new event.
- Click Create to finish the copy.
The copied event will have a new URL to be shared to participants but will still contain all the routes and event details of the original event but with an empty participant list.
Clear the participant list and reuse the event page
If you just want to reuse the event page and keep the URL the same, you can clear the participant list one two different ways:
Clear the list manually:
- Sign in as the Event account.
- Go to the event page to be cleared.
- Click Manage Participants
- Then click the checkbox in the upper left to select all participants
- Click Delete. This will clear the list of everyone that had RSVPed to the event. Once you clear this list it cannot be recovered, and the leaderboards will be cleared.

Set an expiration date:
- Sign in as the Event account.
- Go to the event page to be cleared.
- Click the checkbox for Automatically remove participants.
- Select the amount of time you want to pass before the participant list is cleared. This can be two weeks, 30 days, or 60 days.
- Click Save when you are finished.

Set Official PDF
- Click Print PDF from any of your organization’s route pages
To learn more about creating and customizing your PDF cuesheet.
- Configure your desired settings and click Set as Official PDF.
Riders will be able to download your Official PDF directly from the event page and from the route page.
- To remove your Official PDF settings, click Remove Official PDF.
Event List View
List view will show all the events, dated and un-dated.
Tag Events
- Select the events you wish to tag.
- Click Set Tags
- In the Event Tags field, type in the desired tag or click to show the list of available tags.
- After you have typed a tag, press enter to complete the tag. It will appear in a small box.
- Repeat these steps to add additional tags to the same event.

Archive Events
- Select the events you want to archive by clicking the checkboxes adjacent to their names.
- Click Archive at the bottom row beneath events list.
- View your archived events by clicking View Archived Events in upper right.
- Events can be unarchived with these same steps from the View Archived Events page.
Example Event Pages
Event Sharing Options
In addition to the RSVP code that you can email to your invitees. You can use the Multi-route Embed to embed a preview the routes on your own website.